WP 7 Floods emergency planning

The floods of July 2021 highlighted the need to strengthen emergency planning about flood risks to deal more efficiently with such crises, especially as the risk of those extreme weather events are expected to increase in the future due to climate change. The July floodings also emphasised the need to better coordinate and/or harmonize strategic, operational, and communicational practices in the emergency plans, both at the river basin level and at cross-border level. Furthermore, civil society and citizens can be better included in the emergency planning processes, since they could be mobilised before, during and after floods.

The goal of this work package is twofold. First, it aims to collect best planning practices and stakes within the EMR area regarding emergency planning against floods, to challenge them with stakeholders (including civil society and citizens) and based on that to produce a synthesis report including a state-of-the-art and recommendations concerning emergency planning in the Euregio territories. 

Second, it intends to accompany 4 pilot territories within the EMR area in drafting or updating their thematic flood emergency plans and based on this provide a thematic guide to public authorities to assist them in the future for drafting / updating emergency plans related to flood risks. The guide will be available online in French, Dutch, German and English.