
Marhetak at Grenzlandpreis 2024

Marhetak was selected as one of the finalists of the Grenzlandpreis 2024! Watch our introduction video that was specifically filmed for this occasion (only available in Dutch and German)!

Newsarticles Final symposium

The Marhetak final symposium was mentioned in several news articles.

Belgian-Flemish news:

VRT News

Belgian-Walloon news:

Final symposium of the project

On the 12th December 2023 the Marhetak project came to a close with a symposium held in the provinciehuis in Hasselt, Belgium.

The Marhetak partners Service public de WallonieNational Crisis CentreWaterschap Limburg and leadpartner EMRIC presented the project results to participants and stakeholders. Several finished deliverables will soon be available in our downloads section.

Two particular highlights we could present were the emergency water barriers purchased by Waterschap Limburg within the project and the Paragon system exercise. While the guests were following presentations about the project results, crisis teams from the EMRIC partners from the three countries held a table-top exercise with the Paragon system. This European crisis management system simulated parts of the floodings of July 2021 and supported the information exchange between the partners.

Thanks to all partners for their commitment and dedication to this project!

Partner meeting in Roermond

Last week our monthly partner meeting was hosted by Waterschap Limburg in Roermond. Partners are making good progress on their deliverables and preparations are ongoing for our end symposium and the Paragon exercise.

We also received a tour through Roermond to see measures that were taken to protect the city in case of high water levels and were shown the exercise terrain where the mobile flood barriers were tested.

A big thanks to our host for this successful partner meeting!

Good progress in Work Package 8

The purchase of the emergency barriers by Waterschap Limburg with funding from Interreg Meuse-Rhine is well under way! The emergency barriers will be deployable in the whole Euregion Meuse-Rhine. Part of them will be shown at our closing event at the end of this year. The purchase of emergency barriers is part of Work Package 8.

First deliverables finished

One of our first deliverables, the programme of requirements from WP 1 is finished and now available to download on our downloads page. It is available in Dutch, German, and French.

Partner meeting in Brussels

At the beginning of June the project partners held their monthly partner meeting – this time we were hosted by our partner National Crisis Centre in Brussels. Every partner is making good progress in their work packages. Partners also made plans on how to ensure that the results of the project will live on after it comes to a close. The partner meeting was concluded with a team building activity.

Marhetak on the trilateral conference

On the trilateral conference ‘Making connections’ on 16 & 17 March 2023 in Assen, the Netherlands, EMRIC as leadpartner presented the Marhetak project in two workshops. At the workshop ‘Lessons for the future based on the July 2021 flood’, the Marhetak project as a whole was presented as a response of the project partners and InterregEMR to the flood. In the workshop ‘Information management between emergency services and crisis teams’, Paragon specifically was presented as an addition to the existing agreements in EMRIC on information sharing, disaster response and crisis management. The trilateral conference about disaster response and crisis management was organized by the NIPV between the Netherlands, and the Bundesländer NRW and Niedersachsen. 

Second meeting Paragon working group

On Tuesday 7th Match 2023, the Paragon working group met for the second time in Hasselt in preparation for the pilot that is part of the Marhetak project. Together with our colleagues from CrisisCenterBE they discussed further steps and open questions bringing us one step further to a euregional crisis management system. For more information see Work Package 2 on this website.

Partner meeting in Namur

On Wednesday 1st March 2023, our partner meeting was held in Namur at the offices of Service public de Wallonie. After a delicious lunch and coffee, the project partners received a tour of the offices and had a look into the regional crisis centre of Wallonia. Thank you SPW for your hospitality!

Paragon working group

On Tuesday 17th January 2023, a first meeting of the Paragon working group within Marhetak took place in Margraten. Paragon is an (international) crisis management system, currently in development by our project partner NCCN in Work Package 2. Partners from various EMRIC working groups were invited to brainstorm together about which information should be shared in Paragon during a cross-border incident, and who within their organisation should be sharing and accessing this information. This is an essential step to piloting Paragon in the Euregio Meuse-Rhine. 

Kick-off event

On Wednesday 9th November 2022 the Marhetak Kick-off event was held. The Marhetak partners presented the project, its work packages and deliverables, and the newly designed communication material. Partners from EMRIC, Interreg EMR and COMAC-members joined the event at the Fire Station in Sittard. The event was concluded with some coffee and vlaai. 

The presentations that were held are published on our downloads page. To stay up to date on our project follow our linkedin page.

Our guests are following the presentation about WP 7 from project partner SPW.